Nature Science, Health, and Bodywork

Nature, Science, and Art

July 16, 2009

Summer sketches

Here are some quick summertime sketches done in the Denver Botanic Gardens. They are done in watercolor and ink pen on some. I ride my bike to Gardens on summer mornings, hang out for a while painting and enjoying the plants. Everything is VERY lush and green this year due to the frequent rains we have been experiencing.

July 7, 2009

Fresh Palette

I just loaded up a new palette with watercolors. This palette will be used for field sketches, mostly landscapes. It is a thin lightweight palette good for packing for travel sketching, as well. The top row is the double primaries: Hansa yellow, cadmium yellow, cadmium red, quinacridone red, ultramarine, and cerulean.
The bottom row, left, is mixed greens:  bright middle green is hansa and ultramarine, dark blue greenis  hansa and ultramarine, a "grayed-up" green is cad yellow and ultramarine. a "browned-up" green (red-green) is yellow ocher and ultramarine.  Right, is yellow ocher, raw sienna and burnt sienna.
Below is permanent handy mixes: my favorite brown is cad yellow, quinacridone red, ultramarine; and my favorite gray is burnt sienna and ultramarine.
Notice that ultramarine travels through all these pre-mixed colors, creating a nice color harmony.